DAKIS: Digital Agricultural Knowledge & Information System
Grant notification for project extension received!
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DAKIS portrait film 1
DAKIS portrait film 2
State-of-the-art technologies for
sustainable agricultural systems
The DAKIS project uses progressive digitization and field robotics to integrate ecosystem services (ES) and biodiversity into modern planning processes, production and marketing. In two test regions ( Brandenburg and Bavaria ) the natural potentials as well as the social needs for ES and biodiversity are analyzed. Sensors and models are developed that enable the acquisition and simulation of ES in real time. The results are integrated in a software system. At the same time, new cultivation systems are being developed on experimental fields in Brandenburg that are tailored to small-scale heterogeneity, ES and biodiversity. The DAKIS system and the resulting agricultural landscape will be demonstrated on the basis of three integrated R&D projects (new sensor platforms, real-time models and cultivation systems). All activities are accompanied by foresight studies, sustainability and legal assessments. Regional project advisory boards will be established in the two test regions, which will actively help to develop and further develop DAKIS. At the end of the project there is a prototype of the DAKIS system that suggests options for action for the two test regions.
Here we report on current developments in the project, upcoming dates and interesting publications.
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Project duration
Funding phase 1: 2019 – 2024
Funding phase 2: from 2025!
Project goals
The following five main objectives are defined in the DAKIS project:
Contribution to the fulfillment of the sustainability goals – Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Voices from the project
“In order to produce more food in the long term, we have to find a balance between intensifying production on the one hand and sustainability aspects on the other. Digitization is now giving us instruments with which we can shape this middle ground. “
Prof. Dr. Sonoko D. Bellingrath-Kimura, DAKIS coordinator
Leibniz Center for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) eV
North and South Germany:
Two types of agriculture as test regions
The application is to be developed and tested in two agriculturally very different test regions, in Passau in Bavaria and in the Uckermark in Brandenburg.
DAKIS partner
DAKIS is coordinated by the Leibniz Center for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) e. V.
Together with eight other research institutions, we are working on a vision of the digital agriculture of tomorrow.
Visit also the website of our partner project patchCROP and learn more about the patchCrop cultivation structures.