News from the DAKIS project
November 2024
It goes on! Grant notification received for the follow-up financing of DAKIS2
DAKIS prototype shows a small-scale agricultural landscape and recommended measures (AI-generated, © S. Möller) It goes on! Grant notification received for the follow-up financing of DAKIS2 The DAKIS joint project receives follow-up funding under the name DAKIS2. [...]
August 2024
New support in the project coordination of DAKIS
Marvin Melzer (left) on a test area with a Beetle bank New support in the project coordination of DAKIS Marvin Melzer has been coordinating DAKIS since April and talks about his work so far, the new tasks [...]
Delegation from Uzbekistan visits ZALF – Lecture on DAKIS and EROSPOT
Delegation from Uzbekistan visits ZALF - Lecture on DAKIS and EROSPOT On 30 July 2024, around 15 delegates from Uzbekistan visited ZALF in Müncheberg. In addition to field trips, the visitors were given insights into the DAKIS project and [...]
July 2024
Successful promotion of Marco Donat
Ceremonial presentation of the doctoral degree: Prof. Dr Sonoko Dorothea Bellingrath-Kimura (HUB), Marco Donat, Dr Kathrin Grahmann (ZALF), Prof. Dr Ralf Bloch (HNEE) | Source: David Lukow. Successful promotion of Marco DonatAfter 3.5 years as a doctoral student at [...]
June 2024
“Agriculture can do so much more than produce food.” Interview with Sonoko Bellingrath-Kimura (Project Manager DAKIS)
Photo: Benjamin Lucks/ RESET "Agriculture can do so much more than produce food." Interview with Sonoko Bellingrath-Kimura (Project Manager DAKIS) Agriculture primarily produces food. However, it can also help to protect the climate and nature. Sonoko Bellingrath-Kimura [...]
BMBF brochure on the agricultural systems of the future
BMBF brochure on the agricultural systems of the future The new BMBF brochure on the agricultural systems of the future has been published and is now available for download on the BMBF website. The article on DAKIS can be [...]
May 2024
Federal Research Minister Bettina Stark-Watzinger visits the “Agricultural Systems of the Future” at the “Bioeconomy Showcase”
From right to left: Federal Research Minister Bettina Stark-Watzinger with Prof Dr Enno Bahrs (NOcsPS) and Christopher Marples (DAKIS) at the Hannover Messe 2024. photo: IGZ/Jette Behrend A perfect start to the Hanover trade fair: Federal Research [...]
March 2024
DAKIS at the DAFA Conference
DAKIS at the DAFA Conference DAKIS was represented at the conference "Agricultural Science on Climate Change" of the German Agricultural Research Alliance on March 13th 2024 in Potsdam. Under the patronage of Minister for Food and Agriculture Cem Özdemir, participants [...]
February 2024
Digital Twins: EROSPOT project in the print edition of the Esri magazine WHERE NEXT Special
Digital Twins: EROSPOT project in the print edition of the Esri magazine WHERE NEXT Special An article about the EROSPOT project was published in the print edition of the Esri magazine WHERE NEXT Spezial. The company Esri is a [...]
January 2024
Cem Özdemir and Claudia Müller at DAKIS Booth at GFFA
Cem Özdemir and Claudia Müller at DAKIS Booth at GFFA Our booth at the Global Forum for Food and Agriculture (GFFA) on January 18th and 19th was a complete success. With a large printed image of the Agricultural Systems [...]
DAKIS booth at the GFFA Innovation Forum
DAKIS booth at the GFFA Innovation Forum At the joint booth of Future Agricultural Systems and DAKIS, we present the new image film of DAKIS. This film provides insights into the work and goals of our research project. Additionally, [...]
December 2023
New DAKIS film now online
New DAKIS film now online The film highlights the work of our ten partner institutions and illustrates the goals of our project. Utilizing digital technologies, we are developing software that provides decision support for farmers and agricultural advisors. Watch [...]
November 2023
DAKIS at the Digital Summit: Innovations in Focus
DAKIS at the Digital Summit: Innovations in FocusOur project DAKIS was a part of the Digital Summit in Jena, represented by Frauke Geppert, Marvin Melzer, and Karoline Hemminger. At the stand of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), [...]
DAKIS at Digitalgipfel 2023
DAKIS at Digitalgipfel 2023 We are delighted that DAKIS has been invited to present our project at the Market of Digital Opportunities at this year's Digital Summit in Jena, which takes place from 20-21 November 2023. [...]
DAKIS at the Agritechnica 2023
DAKIS at the Agritechnica 2023 DAKIS will have a stand at Agritechnica this year from 12-18 November. Our visitors will be able to try out the EROSPOT web app and the current development status of the DAKIS software on [...]
October 2023
DAKIS participates in the AAEA competition
DAKIS participates in the AAEA competition In July of this year, Luise Meißner, an employee at DAKIS, received an invitation to participate in the extension competition hosted by the American Association of Agricultural Economics (AAEA). This competition rewards projects that [...]
DAKIS contribution receives Best Poster Award at the “Agricultural Systems of the Future” Summit
DAKIS contribution receives Best Poster Award at the "Agricultural Systems of the Future" SummitFrom September 26th to 28th, a status seminar and a one-day conference of the "Agricultural Systems of the Future" were held in Berlin. The DAKIS team presented [...]
June 2023
Great interest in EROSPOT
Great interest in EROSPOTNumerous articles appeared in the German media about the EROSPOT web app developed in DAKIS and our successful collaboration with the Bavarian State Institute for Agriculture.Press text Artikel in den Samenberger NachrichtenArtikel im TagesspiegelArtikel in der AgrarzeitungOn [...]
Presentation of DAKIS at workshop in China
Presentation of DAKIS in China On June 6, 2023, DAKIS employee Dr. Cheng Chen DAKIS presented at a workshop of the Sino-German Agricultural Centre and the Nanjing Agricultural University (NAU). Report on the website of the Sino-German Agricultural Centre [...]
Federal Press Office presents DAKIS
Federal Press Office presents DAKIS An extensive article by the Federal Press Office on DAKIS can be found on the Federal Government's website under the title "DAKIS – an information system that is unique worldwide". DAKIS article [...]
May 2023
5th DAKIS Annual Meeting
5th DAKIS Annual Meeting On May 23 and 24, the 5th annual meeting of DAKIS took place in the House of the Leibniz Association in Berlin. Presentations were given on the current status of the work of all project [...]
DAKIS Spinn-Off EROSPOT at the Bavarian Digital Summit
DAKIS Spinn-Off EROSPOT at the Bavarian Digital Summit The presentation of EROSPOT at the Bavarian Digital Summit was a great success! Marvin Melzer represented the project with a booth and was pleased about many enthusiastic visitors and long conversations. [...]
February 2023
DAKIS at the International Green Week, Berlin
DAKIS at the International Green Week, Berlin On 26 January 2023, the research project “Digital Agricultural Knowledge & Information System” (DAKIS) has contributed to the conference “AI Applications and Interoperability as the Future of Agriculture” as part of the [...]
September 2022
DAKIS at the Farm Food Climate Festival 2022
DAKIS at the Farm Food Climate Festival 2022 Climate-friendly agriculture is in vogue and we want to give direction to the food turnaround! For this purpose, representatives of the DAKIS team not only presented the DAKIS project at this [...]
August 2022
Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI auf LinkedIn: Foresight business area for strategy development
Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI auf LinkedIn: Foresight business area for strategy development
June 2022
DAKIS partner project “patchCROP landscape laboratory”: field robotics workshop and panel discussion
DAKIS partner project "patchCROP landscape laboratory": field robotics workshop and panel discussion In May 2022, a field robotics workshop took place on the site of the patchCROP landscape laboratory. The workshop day and the panel discussion were documented by [...]
May 2022
4th DAKIS annual meeting
DAKIS annual meeting - group photo 4th DAKIS annual meeting On May 17th and 18th, 2022, the 4th DAKIS annual meeting took place at the Leibniz Center for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) in Müncheberg, this year even [...]
January 2022
Future image of the BMBF funding initiative “Agricultural Systems of the Future”
Zukunftsbild der BMBF-Förderlinie »Agrarsysteme der Zukunft« © Future image of the BMBF funding initiative "Agricultural Systems of the Future" An article about the BMBF funding initiative "Agricultural Systems of the Future" has been published on the German [...]
December 2021
Agroforestry model project
The “Agroforestry Model Project” combines various research work. DAKIS is right at the forefront. You can see what the work in the field looks like here:
September 2021
Start the film! The DAKIS portrait film
Film ab! The DAKIS portrait film On August 29th and 30th, 2021, the DAKIS test areas at the ZALF Müncheberg were filmed with the participation of our DAKIS colleagues: sensors, models and of course the DAKIS team at work. [...]
DAKIS at the agricultural dialogues – on tour with Tackmann
Photo: DAKIS at the agricultural dialogues - on tour with Tackmann
August 2021
Prof. Dr. Bloch speaks in the “Neustart” podcast about agriculture 4.0
Prof. Dr. Bloch speaks in the "Neustart" podcast about agriculture 4.0 Our colleague Prof. Dr. Ralf Bloch from HNEE can be heard in the current episode of the "Neustart" podcast, where he talks about agriculture 4.0. How digitization is [...]
March 2021
Job posting student assistant (m / f / d)
The mission of the Leibniz Center for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) e. V. as a national and international research center is to research the economically, ecologically and socially sustainable agriculture of the future - together with actors from science, [...]
#DBUdigital online forum “Biodiversity and Digitization”
Birds, insects, fish, plants and their habitats - biodiversity has decreased dramatically worldwide in recent years. The planetary guard rail biodiversity has already been clearly exceeded. We are experiencing a mass death caused by humans on an unprecedented scale. [...]
Virtual event: Talk about the future of agriculture
What does sustainable agriculture look like in the future? The Agriculture Future Commission invites you to a talk about the future of agriculture. At the virtual event, the commission presents its working methods and takes up ideas from the [...]
More local food supply or at least a cut in consumption?
More local food supply or at least a cut in consumption? Four scenarios for agribusiness in 2035 show the future of food value creation - and how agriculture can help shape it Fraunhofer ISI press release: [...]
September 2020
agronomy Special Issue: Alley Cropping – Agroforestry Systems
agronomy Special Issue: Alley Cropping - Agroforestry Systems The special edition is intended to provide an insight into research activities and to show the diversity of alley cropping systems and their ecosystem functions. Research articles, reviews, sticky notes, and [...]
August 2020
DAKIS team congratulates Ines Härtel
DAKIS team congratulates Ines Härtel Our colleague Prof. Dr. Ines Härtel has been "Judge of the Federal Constitutional Court" since July. The entire DAKIS team warmly congratulates her and wishes her all the best for this responsible task. At [...]
AdZ projects DAKIS and SUSKult in the Futurium
(Photo by Katarzyna Pe on Unsplash ) AdZ projects DAKIS and SUSKult in the Futurium Experience the “Agricultural Systems of the Future” on September 12th. in the Futurium . There are interviews and a panel discussion with [...]
June 2020
Spiegel-Online video report: The field of the future
Spiegel-Online video report: The field of the future On the Website of the mirror there is a video report by Thies Schnack, in which the new cultivation methods are presented as part of the DAKIS project. Field trial in [...]
May 2020
DAKIS goes online
Screenshot of the DAKIS web conference DAKIS goes online Due to the corona pandemic, this was for the period from 12.-14. May planned DAKIS annual meeting converted into a 12-hour web conference. After an intensive period of [...]
April 2020
Species-rich grassland is recorded by drone flights
Growing wild carrots at the ZALF in Müncheberg Species-rich grassland is recorded by drone flights In the DAKIS sub-project 5 (DAKIS implementation), new, innovative cultivation methods are being tested using smart farming technologies, which make it possible [...]
March 2020
Farmers and network partners find out more about agroforestry systems and small-scale land management
Farmers inform themselves about the planting of valuable wood tree species on the Agrofrost experimental field in Löwenberger Land Farmers and network partners find out more about agroforestry systems and small-scale land management After the drought years [...]
Map your need for ecosystem services in Brandenburg!
Map your need for ecosystem services in Brandenburg! As part of the “Status Quo and Demand for Ecosystem Services” work package, a large-scale survey has been started in the districts of Uckermark, Märkisch-Oderland and Ostprignitz-Ruppin. The [...]
Second soil mapping campaign on the agrofrost experimental field in Großmutz
Dr. Thomas Gaiser (University of Bonn) and Susanne Klembt (HNE Eberswalde) take soil samples to record the soil texture and soil carbon content near the agroforestry experimental area. Second soil mapping campaign on the agrofrost experimental field [...]