DAKIS contribution receives Best Poster Award at the “Agricultural Systems of the Future” Summit

2023-10-18T13:11:35+02:0018. October 2023|Categories: News|Tags: |

DAKIS contribution receives Best Poster Award at the "Agricultural Systems of the Future" SummitFrom September 26th to 28th, a status seminar and a one-day conference of the "Agricultural Systems of the Future" were held in Berlin. The DAKIS team presented the current progress of their project and made numerous contributions to the conference. We are [...]

Great interest in EROSPOT

2023-11-09T13:34:59+01:0019. June 2023|Categories: News|Tags: , |

Great interest in EROSPOTNumerous articles appeared in the German media about the EROSPOT web app developed in DAKIS and our successful collaboration with the Bavarian State Institute for Agriculture.Press text Artikel in den Samenberger NachrichtenArtikel im TagesspiegelArtikel in der AgrarzeitungOn June 27th, 2023, EROSPOT will also be presented as part of the press summer festival [...]

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